Du suchst nach dem Text „Head Production“. Möchtest du lieber in der Kategorie Verpackungsdesigner suchen?
Creator, video production, people, event, landscape, product photography, handmade illustration
Set Design, Story Board, Concept Art, Production Design, Illustration, Grafik, Interior Design, Innenarchitektur, Home Staging, Dekoration, Gestaltung, ArchiCAD, Sketch Up, illustrator, inDesign, Photoshop, Cinema4D,
Digital Design Studio | Softwareentwicklung im Bereich Augmented und Virtual Reality | Web 3D | Mobile | Desktop
Digital & Live Communication Concepts I Marketing I Content-Management & Production I Events & More
Studied in the department of product and systems design engineering in the University of the Aegean, in Greece
At the NPIRE, we craft brands and accelerate the building of companies. Whereas other creative agencies call themselves studio or bureau, we think of ourselves rather as a factory.