Michaela Wiesinger, MW Design

Art Director and Visual Designer. Maker of beautiful things and visual worlds, by creating high quality concepts and innovative designs — for branding, advertising, film and entertainment.
Du suchst nach dem Text „Brand Design“. Möchtest du lieber in der Kategorie Designer suchen?
Art Director and Visual Designer. Maker of beautiful things and visual worlds, by creating high quality concepts and innovative designs — for branding, advertising, film and entertainment.
Corporate-Design, Logo-Design, Grafikdesign, Babybauch-Fotografie, Familien-Fotografie, Freestyle-Fotografie, Köln
Willkommen bei olli design. Wir entwickeln ganzheitliche Unternehmensauftritte mit einem klaren und nachhaltigen Design. In Print und Onscreen.
Design: Web, UX/UI, App. Corporate, Editorial, Multimedia. Shop, Mobile.
Typography, Design, Illustration Corporate Identity, Photography and Brand Design
Creative agency, specialized in brand communication. Crazy thoughts. Unusual paths. Artistic solutions.