Digital Signage | Screen- & Motion Design | Unternehmenskommunikation | Animation | Messe
Freelancerin Video | Animation | Grafik | Design | Illustration
Concept development, video production, editing, animation, music production and sound design.
Experienced Product Owner and writer about music, I’m looking to expand my field of possibilities
Higher Education Institute for Creative Arts & Technology
Grafik-Design/Character Design/Illustration/Artworks/Verpackungsdesign/Verpackung
Artworks, Illustration, Grafik, Webdesign, Mixed Media, Zeichnung, Malerei, Fotografie
Modedesign – Technische Zeichnungen/Produktentwicklung
Creatives Multitalent- creative Designs, Artworks, Konzeptentwickelung, Foto/Video, Pre&Postproduction,Texter
zeichnunges und illustrationen im comiclastigem bereich, cover artworks und gelegentlich tattoo vorlagen