Benc OrpakAnimation/3DIndustrie/Produkt 3D artist/CGI supervisor 3DAnimatorCgi 70374 Stuttgart 20.09.2016
Rene LehmannAnimation/3D 3d Artist / Supervisor /Fotograf 3D2DModelingAnimationTexturringShadingScriptingCompositing3ds MaxAfter EffectsPhotoshopUnityColor GradingRetouching 13353 Berlin 29.11.2016 (aktualisiert 25.10.2019)
BigHugFX GmbHAnimation/3D high end visual effects for film, tv and commercial VfxHoudiniArtistFxSupervisor 81545 München 19.04.2018
Felix LaserAnimation/3D Visual Effects Compositor & Supervisor The Foundry's NukeDaVinci ResolveBlenderPythonAdobe After EffectsAdobe Photoshop 82229 Seefeld / Hechendorf 06.03.2023