Online-Marketing, Sozial Media, Corporate Design, Webdesign, Retusche und Fotografie, Projektmanagement, Full Service
Illustration, Photografie, Druckgrafik, DTP (Desktop publishing), Werbung, Branding, Corporate Design bis hin zu kompletten Corporate Identity
Serving Munich’s creative community for the past 3 years, matvond can help launch, rebrand or reinvent your business’s identity as well as handle all aspects of graphic design and illustration from printed collateral to online presence.
Fotograf – Hochzeitsfotograf, Portraits, Architekturfotografie und Grafik
Foto-Nachbearbeitung, Beautyretusche, Bildbearbeitung, Fotomontage, Bleistift Zeichnungen, Webseitendesign, Logodesign, Grußkarten, Corporate Identity.
Naming // Branding // Claims // Corporate Identity // Logos // Marketing // Campaigns Graphic design // Layouts // Editorial // Typography // Business papers // Stickers // Photography // Filmmaking
Design, Corporate Identity, Websites, CMS, Shops, PR, Social Media, Interne Kommunikation, Workshops, Schulungen, Fotografie
Kommunikation Print & Digital, Illustration, Fotografie, Kreativberatung
Corporate Identity | Werbung | Print | Internetauftritte | Social Network | Fotografie