Du suchst nach dem Text „Brand Designer“. Möchtest du lieber in der Kategorie Designer suchen?
Designer, Illustrator und Mediengestalter aus Münster. Kreativer Allrounder.
3D Artist/3D-Artist/3D-Designer/3D-Visualisierung/3D Architektur/Grafik Designer/3D-Grafikdesigner/3D-Grafiker/3D Modellieng/Rendering/Interior Design/Exterior Design/Photoshop/Grafiker/Grafikdesigner/Art Director/Creative Director/Webdesign/Muse/
UX / IxD / IA Designer, Creative Technologist, Konzepter, Audiovisual Designer
Graphic designer and illustrator, also dedicated to fashion production
Senior Graphic Designer with 8+ years with major experience in marketing, digital, print and web design.
I’m a UX Designer & Tutor, specialising in Wireframing & Prototyping