Du suchst nach dem Text „Logic Pro Audio Editing“. Möchtest du lieber in der Kategorie Audio/Musik suchen?
Filmvertonung Audio-Postproduction Musikproduktion Sounddesign
Photographer, Cameraman, EASA certified Drone Pilot (A1/A3 & A2), Youtuber, Digital audio recording
Ihre IT-Genossenschaft in den Bereichen Audio, Magento, Typo3, Apps und Apfelsaft
Focused, enthusiastic and dedicated Audio Engineer, Sound Designer and Acoustic Designer with excellent technical, analytical and communication skills successfully demonstrated by more than two decades of experience in the Professional Music Field.
Soundentwickler, Musikkomponist, Musikproduzent, Audio/Video-Design/ Texter
Musikberatung, Audioproduktion, Stock Audio Service, Audio Postproduktion