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Solytic GmbH

SOLYTIC builds intelligent technology for the global PV market. With financing from Vattenfall, we’re already regarded by industry experts as ground-breaking.

10115 Berlin

Tracks GmbH

racks is a young tech company revolutionizing the European road freight industry. Using the latest advances in Big Data and Machine Learning, we enable road freight companies to achieve new levels of resource efficiency and CO2-emission reductions by prov

12099 Berlin

Nicky Thomas

Call it the best of both worlds. Outsourced IT Managed Services with 24/7 access to experts for peace of mind. We provide all clients access to our 24×7 Help Desk Services, manned by a team of trained

08854 New Jersey

Maik Maier

Die Dienstleistungen der Cannergrow by Cannerald GmbH beziehen sich auf den Erwerb von Cannabis Pflanzen.

56357 Buch

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