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plan A

office for architectural communication and urban culture

80797 München
11.04.2011 (aktualisiert )

Ian Li

freelancer for fashion styling and visual merchandising

10961 Berlin

Regiondo GmbH

Regiondo – The All-in-One booking system for tour and activity operators

81541 München
14.07.2011 (aktualisiert )


Interaction Design, Interfacedesign, Prototyping, UI Design, UX Design, UCD, User Experience Design, Usability, Userinterface Design, Mobile, SozialMedia, Create modern simple user interfaces for web and mobile.

10965 Berlin
27.04.2011 (aktualisiert )

Kris Tell

I am a person with a passion for images, illustrations, graphic design and storytelling! I see myself as a pretty easygoing person, project my character, interests in my work…

93047 Regensburg

Eckert & Caine

Software for Management – Komplexe, dynamische Zusammenhänge einfach und verständlich zugänglich machen.

80335 München

Natascha Szabo

Work for Germany’s fastest growing ad tech startup!

10999 Berlin
06.07.2011 (aktualisiert )


GawlittaDigitale – Creative Agency for Digital Innovations Real Estate, Architecture, Interior Design and more

10119 Berlin

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