Profile Innovation Through Leadership

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iconmobile GmbH

Innovation Agency for Design & Technology

10179 Berlin

Campus Founders gGmbH

We are Campus Founders, the entrepreneurship and innovation center in Heilbronn.

74076 Heilbronn

openmjnd GmbH

Beratung & Coaching für Menschzentrierte Transformation & Innovation

13357 Berlin

IOTA Stiftung

The IOTA Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation with the mission to drive the development and standardization of new distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) that enable permissionless innovation ecosystems.

10405 BErlin
15.04.2021 (aktualisiert )

Fuchs & Eule

We want as many homeowners as possible to make their homes more energy efficient. That’s why we’re combining energy expertise with digital innovation. Because now is the time to act to tackle the climate crisis.

10997 Berlin
26.04.2021 (aktualisiert )

Wayra Germany GmbH

The largest global corporate accelerator with ten years of innovation experience

80331 München

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