Heike Sievers

Texterin, Fachjournalistin, Ökotrophologin schreibt On- und Offlinetexte für Presse, PR, Web, gern B2B
Texterin, Fachjournalistin, Ökotrophologin schreibt On- und Offlinetexte für Presse, PR, Web, gern B2B
eberle & wollweber sind spezialisiert auf die Lösung anspruchsvoller Kommunikationsaufgaben – in Content und Layout – On- oder Offline
Prophecy FX® provides state of the art Visual Effects. Next to Prophecy FX there is Prophecy Animation® with a main focus on own productions of fully CG animated features and TV shows.
24/7 Designer, focused on details, excellent organised, searching for a challenge to adapt, understand and develop my professional career.
I’m a product designer, focusing on jewellery and fashion accessories
The most influential magazine on leftfield pop culture and contemporary art you’ve never heard of.
A young ambitious design studio based in berlin which is focused on product and interior design.
Webdesign, Programmierung, Typo3, Wordpress, Contao, CMSurf (CMS Eigenentwicklung), Corporate- und Grafikdesign, Suchmaschinenoptimierung und -Marketing, On und Offline Marketing Beratung, Rechtssicheres Social Media (FB)