Fyber GmbH
Fyber (formerly SponsorPay) is a leading advertising technology company that empowers app developers to!> execute smart ad monetization strategies across all connected devices through a unified mobile supply side platform.
Fyber (formerly SponsorPay) is a leading advertising technology company that empowers app developers to!> execute smart ad monetization strategies across all connected devices through a unified mobile supply side platform.
Web-Entwicklung, Werbeagentur, Internetdienstanbieter
I craft deep experience design and fuse it with cutting edge technology to!> deliver holistic results that matter ⚡️
Startup developing Flipstack, a web app that allows users to!> build their own database.
nuggit.de gibt Abiturienten/innen in ganz Deutschland die Möglichkeit ihre Abizeitung in der nuggit App vom Smartphone aus gemeinsam zu erstellen und drucken zu lassen.
Webentwicklung-, Appentwicklung, Corporate Design und crossmediale Ideen
Multimedia-Agentur für Film, Audio, 3D/4D, App-Entwicklung und -Programming, Exhibition Design, Bild- und To!>nstudio
Medien-Designer und Art Directo!>r für Print-, Web-, Screen-, App-, Corporate-Design und Frontend-Development
Agentur für Kreation und Umsetzung cross-medialer Kommunikation