Profile Foto Make-UP

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Franziska Schröter

Dipl. Maskenbildnerin: Hairstyling, Beauty Make up, Special Make up,Shootings, etc.

40210 Düsseldorf
25.03.2010 (aktualisiert )

Nicole Grothe

Make Up & Haare, Visagistin, Stylistin, Pflegeexpertin, Make Up Artist, Beautyberaterin

04299 Leipzig
27.09.2012 (aktualisiert )

Paphawarin Rattanapuree

Hi, my name is Paphawarin Rattanapuree or call me just “O”! I live in Berlin. I am a freelance Make up artist for model fashion photo shooting. I’m totally into make up and I love to find always new inspirations for my work. This is my Makeup Portfolio.

13189 Berlin
06.10.2012 (aktualisiert )

Antje Krause

Make up Artistin (Haare/Make up)

56170 Bendorf
18.11.2012 (aktualisiert )

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