Karina Shantilal

I am a graphic designer and illustrator with a Bachelors of Design in «Information Arts and Design Practices».
I am a graphic designer and illustrator with a Bachelors of Design in «Information Arts and Design Practices».
Die Verbraucherzentrale Brandenburg e.V. ist die wichtigste Interessenvertretung der Brandenburger Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher gegenüber Wirtschaft und Politik. Sie bietet unabhängige Verbraucherberatung, -information und -bildung zu zahlreichen Them
Audible.de, an Amazon company, is the leading provider of premium digital spoken audio information and entertainment on the internet, offering customers a new way to enhance and enrich their lives every day.
Erstellen von UX Konzepte, Wireframes, Information Architekturen, Content Pflege
I’m an information designer and aspiring illustrator who loves human centred design.
TechnoFizi is a leading Tech site with information like Tech Tips, Gadget Reviews
TeamViewer is one of the world wide leading solutions for desktop sharing and online collaboration over the Internet.
We are authorities in artificial intelligence with access to cutting-edge technology and deep domain expertise.