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Remote Control Productions GmbH

We are an independent, internationally active production house located in the heart of the beautiful city of Munich, the capital of Bavaria.

80335 München
14.03.2018 (aktualisiert )

Nicky Thomas

Call it the best of both worlds. Outsourced IT Managed Services with 24/7 access to experts for peace of mind. We provide all clients access to our 24×7 Help Desk Services, manned by a team of trained

08854 New Jersey

Dark Dale

Dark Dale is a professional blogger, full-time mother of two, and a part-time baker. He has years of experience in blogging and loves to blog about a wide range of topics, from educational to travel and lifestyle. Dale is also associated with gotoassignme

23232 United State

Agadugu Marketing&Design

Bachelor of Media Design, Master of Business Administration

90264 Weißenhorn
07.06.2009 (aktualisiert )

Chimera Entertainment GmbH

We are a creative and independent development studio for digital entertainment software in the heart of the beautiful city of Munich.

80335 München
29.10.2010 (aktualisiert )


a little bit of this a little bit of that a chit chat coffee and a hat.

10115 Berlin

Prophecy FX

Prophecy FX® provides state of the art Visual Effects. Next to Prophecy FX there is Prophecy Animation® with a main focus on own productions of fully CG animated features and TV shows.

10178 Berlin
07.06.2013 (aktualisiert )

Dagmar Bona

Master of Arts in Journalismus und Massenkommunikation, Bachelor of Arts in Angewandter Medienwirtschaft

52066 Aachen

commercetools GmbH

commercetools ist eine Plattform-as-a-Service (PaaS) E-Commerce Lösung, die es Händlern ermöglicht State of the Art Shopping-Szenarien für Web, Smartphone, Tablet und Point of Sale zu entwickeln und miteinander zu verknüpfen.

80797 München
06.01.2015 (aktualisiert )

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