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Aufwändige High-End-Fotografie und umfassende Serienproduktionen für Food-, Nonfood- und Fashionfotografie.
Unkonventionelle und authentische Senior Recruiterin mit starker Empathie, einer get-shit-done Mentalität und einer Leidenschaft für Start-ups, Talente, neue Technologien, Gleichberechtigung und Bürohunde.
Werbefotograf inklusive High End Retouch & Bildbearbeitung – Profi für Retusche, Postproduction, Composing, kreative Bildbearbeitung
Committed to further revolutionizing the world of personal and professional development, we offer unique, high-quality, online platforms with training, support and events for everyone who wants to take themselves to the next level.
Global Commerce Media is a new breed of performance media company building high-quality websites that provide our millions of users with well-researched, unbiased, and verified information across many different verticals, topics and languages.
Renderpeople is market leader in providing high-quality scanned human 3D models to the visualization and computer vision industry.