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RFE Europa

We are RFE International, a global fitness company specialising in the design, manufacture, marketing and sales of a comprehensive range of fitness and sports equipment to both the commercial and home markets.

80807 München

Wittwer, Anne

We are ocono, an app recommendation company based in Berlin.

10119 Berlin

Nextev GmbH

NEXTEV is a startup technology company specialized in designing and developing high-performance electric vehicles.

81679 Munich

Maritime Datasystems

startup company that develops webbased applications for the shipping community

22087 Hamburg
Bullemer, Carsten


FTWK is a digital product company, having the people, processes and philosophy needed, to build bomb digital products, services & startups from Zero to Hero!

10247 Berlin


Venture Capital Company

10115 Berlin

Weissmaler GmbH

Germany’s first tech-driven painting company

10969 Berlin - Mitte
24.11.2016 (aktualisiert )

movel Group GmbH

An urban mobility company, making cities smarter

20095 Hamburg
05.01.2017 (aktualisiert )

BridgeMaker GmbH

BridgeMaker ist ein Company Builder zur Umsetzung innovativer Geschäftsideen in erfolgreiche Unternehmen.

10119 Berlin

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