Reiß, Vanessa – Pages UI. Styled Design Munich. Reiß

Design. Graphically Design. Styled Design. Designs. UID UIX UX, HTML, CSS, SASS, LESS, Bootstrap – Key-Skills
Design. Graphically Design. Styled Design. Designs. UID UIX UX, HTML, CSS, SASS, LESS, Bootstrap – Key-Skills
Webseiten mit WordPress, AdWords, Marketing und Social Media Beratung
Charakterdesign 2D &3D incl.Modelpacks, 2D Animation, Art direction, Key posing, Konzeption und Realisation von Edutainmentfilmen, Dozentin
One Man Show: nach 17 Jahren Agentur-Erfahrung > Art- & Creative Direction >> Freelancer
With humans in (E) motion, PINC Solutions follows a philosophy, which sees the person and his emotional needs as the central key to the success.
Büro für Grafik Design / Konzeption und Werbung / Werbeagentur / Freelance