THE GAME Group GmbH THE GAME is on! creative agencycommunicationbrandcreative concepteventsexperiential 80539 München 29.03.2022
Julian Allescher Game Designer / Game Artist UnityUnity3DUnrealPhotoshopMaya3DArVrVirtual RealityAugmented RealityMixed RealityGame DesignGame ArtAnimationAdobe IllustratorCSSHTML 12437 Berlin - Treptow 18.01.2018
Tobias FreyAnimation/3DIndustrie/Produkt 3D- und Game-Artist / 3D-Generalist 3DArtistPhotoshop3D ArtistZbrushMaya3DS MaxModoCinema 4DSubstance PainterUnreal EngineUnrealModellingAnimationRiggingGame ArtGame ArtistGame 73760 Ostfildern 30.03.2019 (aktualisiert 31.03.2019)
University of Applied Sciences Europe Game Design / Game Art Department Game DesignGame Art3D2DPhotoshopUnityUnrealc#Concept ArtIllustrationDigitalExperienceUser Interface 10963 Berlin 11.01.2021
Gobbledesign 2D GAme ArtistIllustrationCD-RomEntwicklung Illustration Schwerpunkt Online Gamedesign & Konzeption 20259 Hamburg 07.04.2010 (aktualisiert 23.09.2013)
Apotheosis Game Studios LLC. The Company is in the business of development and publication of interactive entertainment software 44803 Bochum 23.01.2015