On-location-Auftragsfotografie: Hochzeiten, Menschen, Veranstaltungen, Business, Luftbild
MALOLEPZIE – Freelance Content Creator from Leipzig/Berlin (Germany) – PHOTOS | CINEMAGRAPHS | VISUAL CONCEPTS | MICRO VIDEOS CONTENT
I practice photography for more than 6 years specializing in portrait and documentary. Worked with clothing brands, model agencies, educational organizations. I photograph people for their portfolios, websites, social media. I also take photos of events.
Pulse Gallery – paintings, sculptures, graphics & photos – pulse of Art!
Bildredaktion, Bebilderung, Beratung, Bildkonzepte, Bilder, Bildrecherche, Bildrechte, Bildrechtedokumentation, Bildbeurteilung, Bildauswahl, Bildbearbeitung, Fotos, Photos, Recherche, Rechteklärung, Royalty Free, Rights Managed
Mangostock Photos produziert Bilder im Bereich People, Lifestyle und Business für internationale Bildagenturen