Bubble Soccer – Fussball spielen in aufblasbaren Loopyball Body Airbags
Besso is a reinvented tea with a frothy top to indulge yoursel & put something good in your body with different exciting flavors & preparations and a frothy top
zezam democratizes access to entrepreneurship for body and mind coaches by making it easier to start, run, and grow an omnichannel business.
Coco & Eve is a Balinese inspired beauty brand that makes incredible products for body, hair and skin.
Texterin für Handel, Auto, Finanzdienstleistung, Pharma, Energie, IT – Klassisch + Vkf
Professionelle Photoassistenz Köln/Düsseldorf/Essen People, Still, Auto, Stock!
Diplom Designerin, Schwerpunkt Objekt und Raum/ Bühne/ Set/ Interieur/ Maskenbildnerin