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Architektur, Interiordesign, Innenarchitektur, Marketing, Produkt- und Grafikdesign, Social Networking
I’m a Product Designer (MA) graduated in the Architecture Faculty of the University of Lisbon, with architecture based studies
The Leading Hotels of the World, Ltd. is the prestigious luxury hospitality organization representing more than 430 of the world’s finest hotels, resorts and spas. Headquartered in New York City, the company maintains a network of 25 offices in key cities
Brand Strategy, Brand Architecture, Experience Architecture, Brand Communication, Brand Experience & Exhibition, Retail, Film & Motion und Visual Communication
Konzeption, Design, Konstruktion und Projektleitung in den Bereichen Messe, Ausstellung, Museum, Corporate Architecture, Markenerlebnis im Raum
Professioneller Fotograf aus Mannheim, Industrie -und Architekturfotograf, Industry Photography, Architecture Photography, Reportage, Interieur, Corporate