Shopify Development & Online-Marketing » SEA, SEO & Content | Social Ads | Beratung für Shopify
Unternehmensberatung, E-Comerce Dienstleister, Online Marketing Unternehmen
Webentwicklung, Javascript, CSS3, HTML5, Python, Data Visualization, Scraper, Bots (fb,twitter,..)
Webdesign, Programmierung, Typo3, Wordpress, Contao, CMSurf (CMS Eigenentwicklung), Corporate- und Grafikdesign, Suchmaschinenoptimierung und -Marketing, On und Offline Marketing Beratung, Rechtssicheres Social Media (FB)
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin – Uni Kassel FB ökologische Agrarwissenschaften
Design, consulting, connecting, communication, art/film/fashion
I am a fashion designer from Berlin, always looking for new faces, models and artists for joint projects. Would you be interested in a cooperation? You are welcome to look at my FB and Instagram page and then contact me. Greetings from Berlin.