Software-Hardware-Prototyping und User-Experience-Design, Interaction Design, User Interface Design, Service Design, User Research
Freelancer UX-UI Design, Product Designer, Screen- und Interfacedesign, Prototyping, Strategic Designer, Software-und Anwendungsdesign
User Experience, Design Thinking, User Research, Visual Design, Interaction Design, Prototyping
Produktdesign / User Experience Design / UX Prototyping / 3d Visualisierung / 3d Druck / Modellbau
Industrial Design, Product Design, UI/UX-Design, CAD-Konstruktion, User Centered Design, Produktentwicklung, Digital Prototyping
I’m a UX Designer & Tutor, specialising in Wireframing & Prototyping
Our goal is the rapid medical diagnosis of inherited diseases, provided at the earliest possible moment as we turn analytical information into actionable results for physicians, patients and pharmaceutical partners. Our commitment to the global medical c