
Statische HTML Webseite, Blog/CMS, maßgeschneiderte Inter-/Intranet-Applikation
Statische HTML Webseite, Blog/CMS, maßgeschneiderte Inter-/Intranet-Applikation
Konzeption und Entwicklung von PHP-Webprojekten
Grafikdesign, Corporate Design, Drucksachen, Webdesign, CMS Joomla, Weblication, SEO, Greifswald, Berlin
E-Commerce, E-Business, CRM, Multichannel E-Commerce (Amazon, Ebay, Alibaba)
Next Big Thing AG is a Berlin-based IoT company builder offering a complete framework for the acceleration of IoT ventures. We are an operational VC, technology provider, and innovation partner made up of a strong team of business architects.
Agile Softwareentwicklung für innovative Cloud-Lösungen, Webentwicklung, SharePoint und.Net-Framework