3M Gtg – GtgGmbH

We design and deliver digital media solutions as a bridge from physical space to the digital world. With a focus on user experience, we ensure added value for our clients with efficiency and enhance people’s work and life quality.
We design and deliver digital media solutions as a bridge from physical space to the digital world. With a focus on user experience, we ensure added value for our clients with efficiency and enhance people’s work and life quality.
Mit TYPO3, Extbase, FLOW3 und Fluid und unserem großen Modul-Baukasten setzen wir anspruchsvolle Projekte um: In-Time, In-Budget und In-Quality und mit flexiblem Projektmanagement.
Digital in Berlin presents as agency and network serious forms of quality music
Unternehmensberatung (Financial Services, IT Management & Quality Services), akkreditiertes Schulungsunternehmen, Veranstalter von Konferenzen und Herausgeber von Fachmagazinen zum Thema Software Testing
Mediendistribution, High Quality Lifestyle Werbemittel & Zubehör
We are a team of Entrepreneurs based in Berlin who will develop a group of vacation rentals in the main cities in Europe this year. We plan to build up a high quality holiday rental service which offers the benefits and comfort of a hotel but at the same
Desktop Publishing, Mobile Publishing, Editorial Design, Software Development, Quality Management
Software Partner steht mit seinen Marken DigiPromo, isupplies und Xlayer für Full-Service rund um die Themen: Medienproduktion, Media Distribution, Lifestyle Werbemittel & High-Quality Lifestyle Zubehör.
The type foundry of Moritz Kleinsorge. High-quality fonts with easy licensing & precisely crafted corporate typefaces. Established in 2020.
Fashion Label With Its Focus on High Quality Garments and Sustainability
Independent, quality journalism is possible anywhere. We provide open source tools, including Newscoop, Booktype, Airtime and Superdesk, to produce it.