WildatHeart PhotoMode/PeoplePorträtAkt Photography for the wild at heart 10000 Berlin WildatHeart, Jana 10.02.2009
Grit Richter Wild-kreative Grafik-Designerin Creativ Suite PhotoshopInDesignAdobe IllustratorSocial MediaFotografieGrundkenntnisse In Macromedia FreehandQuark XpressCoreldrawMicrosoft OfficeZehnfingersystem/maschinenschreiben 73084 Salach 19.03.2014
LAWBF (Kollektiv) Like a Wild Beast’s Fur (LAWBF) is a Berlin based showcase that presents a hybrid art form and holds a residency at Berghain’s Kantine venue. 13347 Berlin 20.07.2015
Chevrom GmbH RIDE WILD. BREATHE EASY EbikeEfatbikeCrowdfunding 40215 Düsseldorf 25.04.2017 (aktualisiert 31.08.2017)
Imi Loa GmbH Accessories for women with a free spirit, wild heart and hippie soul ModeFashionBrandWebshopAccessoiresE-CommerceOnline Shop 13357 Berlin 31.08.2017
Pics Ninja Every woman has a little wild streak in them and a desire to be a bad girl. 94508 Schöllnach 12.08.2018
Günther Herrler Illustrator/MotionDesigner/Musikproduzent photoshopmotion designillustrationafter effectspremierehip hopwildtaggdripvinylcover 80797 München 08.01.2021 (aktualisiert 11.01.2021)