Regisseur, Filmregisseur, TV-Regisseur, Comedy Regisseur, Realisator, Autor, Show Regie
Chris Seba Reisefotografie. Multimedia-Lichtbildvorträge auf Großleinwand. Themen: Lissabon, Algarve, Alentejo (Süd-Portugal)
Production Manager Fashion Events // Show // Backstage // Fitting // Choreographer // Fashion Stylist // Wardrobe Organizer
IMC AG – Europas führender E-Learning Anbieter
Horizn Studios develops high-quality bags and luggage that combine design, travel technology and smart devices. We are fascinated by innovative technologies that simplify traveling and make it even more exciting.
Innovative Powerline- und Datenkommunikations-Produkte für private Kunden und professionelle Anwender.
Designing smart services and apps in the age of digital transformation.
Industrie 4.0 & Smart Factory Consulting