Apotheosis Game Studios LLC. The Company is in the business of development and publication of interactive entertainment software 44803 Bochum 23.01.2015
IM Game Studio UG & Co.KG Videospielentwicklung Unreal Engine 43ds MaxMayaZbrushPhotoshop 14167 Berlin 04.03.2016 (aktualisiert 08.09.2016)
Game Art Brain GmbHAnimation/3DIllustrationTypo/Layout Creation & Consulting 14057 Berlin 11.05.2018 (aktualisiert 12.02.2021)
game – Verband der deutschen Games-Branche e.V. Verband der deutschen Games-Branche 10117 Berlin 26.03.2020
Romina ScagliariniIllustration Illustration & Character Design PhotoshopZbrush2D Art3D ArtIllustrationComicGame GraphicsGame ArtGame Design 65934 Frankfurt 04.07.2016 (aktualisiert 27.01.2020)
Jonathan KraseEntwicklung Game Designer Game DesignUnity EningeC# Game Developer 10823 Berlin 05.01.2017
vividchain AG Vividchain creates apps and games that have a positive impact on society Game ProgrammingGame EngineeringGraphics ProgrammingGame DevelopmentMobile GamesCasual GamesGeolocations-Based-GamesSustainabilityFairnessGrafikProgrammierung 10247 Berlin 12.05.2017 (aktualisiert 11.03.2019)
Tobias BrocksAnimation/3DIllustrationScreendesign Game art, Art Direction, Motion Graphics, Graphic Design, Illustration, Animation, UI Design and UX (User Experience) UIUXFreelancerMotion GraphicsIllustrationAnimationArt DirectionGame Design3D Visualisierung3DGame Art2D ArtistGrafik DesignKommunikationsdesignEssenDüsseldorf 45128 Essen 01.06.2017 (aktualisiert 10.09.2024)
Sebastian Schmidt Game-Design/UX-Design Game DesignQuality AssuranceEvaluationRechercheUX-DesignPrototypingUnrealVisionaireGame Maker 20359 Hamburg 27.11.2019