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cad & it Services GmbH

Microsoft, Clientmanagement, Beratung, Consulting, Teil-Projektleitung, Projektleitung, Administration, Support, Dokumentation, Active Directory, ITIL, Rollout

64589 Stockstadt/Rhein

Anton Ziegler

Bildbearbeitung, Composing, Retusche, Satz, Reinzeichnung, DTP, Colormanagement, Produktion, Proofing, Hard- & Software-Support, Workflow-Lösungen

80469 München


Konzeption, Umsetzung und Support von individuellen Webapplikationen

10245 Berlin

Ccds GmbH

Support, Benchmarking, Messen, Promotions

50354 Hürth
10.08.2010 (aktualisiert )

banana IT

Apple/Mac Support, Web Hosting und Design, Filemaker Datenbank Design, Software Design

22765 Hamburg

International Institute for Family Enterprises

Our Institute is dedicated to family businesses in the Arab region and German-speaking Europe. All of our activities are conceptualized to support family business leaders and future generations in developing sustainable family business strategies.

10117 Berlin

teleassist UG

IT-Support für Privatanwender

85630 Grasbrunn


Grafik Designer für Print-, Web- und Verlags-Projekte, Apple Mac Support, Schulung

81245 München

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