Profile Medical Education

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Haidy Wafy

Medical Science Liaison/Medical Trainer

11865 Cairo

Actimi GmbH i.Gr.

Actimi is a med-tech startup from Southern Germany and offers an innovative end-to-end data pipeline to make medical data accessible to patients, doctors and researchers.

70186 Stuttgart

Stepin GmbH

In Zusammenarbeit mit zahlreichen Partnerorganisationen in der ganzen Welt bietet „Student Travel & Education Programmes International“ (Stepin) mit Sitz in Bonn Bad Godesberg internationale Schüleraustauschprogramme und Work, Study & Travel Programme an.

53173 Bonn

etruvian GmbH

etruvian provides the means for people to learn and understand complex topics and become members of vibrant online education communities.

20354 Hamburg


Bureau Andreas Studer is an independent, Berlin-based, graphic design and research design studio specializing in the development of unique visual communication solutions within the art, architecture, culture, education, and business sectors.

10439 Berlin
01.11.2013 (aktualisiert )

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