3M Gtg – GtgGmbH

We design and deliver digital media solutions as a bridge from physical space to the digital world. With a focus on user experience, we ensure added value for our clients with efficiency and enhance people’s work and life quality.
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We design and deliver digital media solutions as a bridge from physical space to the digital world. With a focus on user experience, we ensure added value for our clients with efficiency and enhance people’s work and life quality.
Merlin Entertainments Group betreibt in Berlin die Marken Madame Tussauds, AquaDom & Sea Life und LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre.
Fotograf im Bereich Still-Life und Industriefotografie; und gern auch mal Portraits
Werbefotografie, Still Life, People, Mode, Interieur, und vieles mehr…
Selbständige Fotografin Schwerpunkte: Porträt, People, Still Life und Unternehmensdarstellungen