Profile Project Ownership Advocacy

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Sushma Bharath

Project Manager & Supervising Producer with international experience

40476 Düsseldorf

LittleSun GmbH

Little Sun is a global project to get clean, affordable light to the 1.2 billion people worldwide who have no access to the electrical grid.

10119 Berlin
08.03.2013 (aktualisiert )

itdesign GmbH

Das Tätigkeitsfeld von itdesign besteht aus Beratung, Einführung und Betreuung von Software-Lösungen für Customer Relationship Management (CRM) und Project Portfolio Management (PPM).

72072 Tübingen
18.03.2013 (aktualisiert )

Elke Volz

senior project manager & key account manager

70182 Stuttgart


Hack&Craft was founded to bring product visions to life. We are product engineers who believe that the key to a great product is close collaboration between project managers, designers, developers, branding experts and product visionaries.

10247 Berlin

Dennis Gassner

Grafik-Designer (Bereich Mode), Ehrenamtlich Art-Director bei „Project f“

76189 Karlsruhe

Lorenzo Grandi

Web project and content manager

12051 Berlin

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