Cervantes Fields

mercee[o]photography sind wir, Merry [Mer] und Cervantes [Cee]
Fields, Cervantes
mercee[o]photography sind wir, Merry [Mer] und Cervantes [Cee]
Senior-Webentwickler WordPress: Custom Themes, Gutenberg Blocks, Plugins, WooCommerce | TYPO3, Vue JS | HTML, SCSS, JavaScript, PHP, Bootstrap, jQuery
dpa-Custom Content ist die Redaktion für maßgeschneiderte Kundenlösungen der dpa, Deutschlands führender Nachrichtenagentur.
Großhändler für den Vertrieb von Harley-Davidson Ersatzteilen und Zubehör
LAOMUSIC ARTS, born in the year 2002 is a company that offers high-quality services in the fields of Music, Design & Programming.
The Morphoria Design Collective is a collaboration of seven designers with different specializations located in Germany. We primarily work in the creative fields of Editorial, Exhibition Design as well as Animation, Interactive Design and Branding.
International practice merging art, architecture and scientific fields
A highly driven recent graduate in Business Administration who is currently looking for internship/working student/full time positions in Marketing/CSR/other business related fields
Technisches Produktdesign, 3D-CAD und -Druck, Airbrush Design, Custom-Painting, Grafik, Illustration, Digital Painting
Photoshop, Bildbearbeitung,Illustration, Comic,Realistic,Art,Drawings,Custom,Designe
Responsive Webdesign, Wordpress, Joomla, Custom Templates, SEO/SEM. System-Wartung/Updates und Support