Profile Container

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Onlineshop für Intermedia Bulk Container

16845 Dessow
12.11.2015 (aktualisiert )

xChange Solutions GmbH

Every day, millions of containers are transported – and every third container is empty! xChange is the world’s first online B2B marketplace to share excess containers with other companies.

20355 Hamburg

xChange Solutions GmbH

Every day, millions of containers are transported – and every third container is empty! We will solve that problem.

20355 Holstenwall 5
31.03.2020 (aktualisiert )

Bocxep Thanhphat

Cong Ty phat trien van tai thanh phat: chuyen dich vu boc xep, rut ruot container, cho thue lao dong, chuyen kho xuong, cho thue xe nang, xe tai, xe cau…

70000 70000

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