Profile Controlling

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emproc SYS

With its PROBIS Expert controlling software, emproc offers property developers and project managers, as well as financial institutions in the real estate industry, a flexible controlling tool for construction projects. With the aid of the multi-project co

82319 Starnberg

Peek & Cloppenburg B.V. & Co. KG, Düsseldorf

Brand Campaign, Online Marketing, Value Marketing, Visual Marketing, Strategy & Planning, Marketing Controlling, Market Intelligence, Direct Marketing, Media Buying, Event, Marketing Analyse, Customer Service, Loyalty, Loyalty/CRM, Kreativ, Store Design

40212 Düsseldorf
30.10.2007 (aktualisiert )

aspeqt gmbh

Controlling & Software-Entwicklung

806987 München
13.01.2008 (aktualisiert )

Webdesign – Individual Programmierung – Online-Marketing – Web-Controlling

45145 Essen
26.06.2008 (aktualisiert )

digital control GmbH & Co. KG

Entwicklung von webbasierten Technologien zur Steuerung, Reporting und Controlling digitaler Marketingprozesse

47798 Krefeld

Steffen Horst

Projekt-Manager Online-Marketing und Web-Controlling

50733 Köln
16.07.2013 (aktualisiert )

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