Market Logic is a fast-growing, venture-financed corporation that provides marketing information systems to the world’s best marketing and research teams.
European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
20 Jahre Erfahrung in User Research, Feldstudien, Usability, Participatory Design Workshops
„Durch die Analyse von Wahrnehmung und Informationsverarbeitung der Nutzer zeichnen wir Ihnen ein realistisches Bild der User Experience.“
The Human-Centered Computing (HCC) Research Group’s mission is to embrace a critical practice in the design of socially responsible technologies that enable a collaboration between humans and machines.
Back Market is the #1 marketplace for refurbished electronic devices in Europe and in the US, leading the way in a shift towards a circular economy, freeing the planet from electronic waste.
Institut für Service Design Forschung an der Fachhochschule Köln