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etruvian GmbH

etruvian provides the means for people to learn and understand complex topics and become members of vibrant online education communities.

20354 Hamburg


Kleiderkreisel/Vinted is a marketplace that connects people who sell, buy and swap second hand clothes. Available through iOS and Android apps as well as websites, we’re a community of 14 million members—the world’s largest style marketplace.

10178 Berlin

Conference & Touring C&T GmbH

Founded in 1989 in Berlin, C&T has established itself as one of the premiere DMCs in Germany and beyond with offices in Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Vienna, Zurich, Prague and 100+ permanent staff members.

10587 Berlin

Best Secret GmbH

BestSecret is one of Europe’s most exclusive shopping communities offering its members insider access to over 3000 of the best brands and designers.

85609 Aschheim

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