Mates Al-Fakhri

Multilingual Digital Media Web Designer, Developer & Editorial Content Producer, Journalist, Redakteur, Moderator, Sprecher
Multilingual Digital Media Web Designer, Developer & Editorial Content Producer, Journalist, Redakteur, Moderator, Sprecher
Multilingual Recruitment for IT, Sales&Marketing, Accounting, HR&Administratio
Multilingual Young Professional Analyst with two years’ experience in the highly demanding Corporate Finance industry.
Transcription Services US is an international online company that provides transcription, translation, captioning, voice-over, subtitling, and video services. The agency is a US-based multilingual service provider that supports 100+ languages. The team of
Regisseur, Editor und Kameramann mit 15+ Jahren Erfahrung. Spezialisiert auf Spielfilme, Dokus, Werbung & Modefilme. Absolvent der HFF München. Mehrfacher Preisträger, u.a. UNESCO Award. Multilingual.