Raffael Görich

I’m an interdisciplinary designer with 12+ years of work experience, focused on UI/UX. Experienced in web design, logo & branding and art direction.
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I’m an interdisciplinary designer with 12+ years of work experience, focused on UI/UX. Experienced in web design, logo & branding and art direction.
Wir sind eine dynamische, unabhängige & inhabergeführte Agentur mit Kernkompetenzen in digitaler Aktivierung über Online Marketing und Social Media, on- und Offline Kampagnen inkl. Content Produktion und Kreation, Brand und Corporate Communications & PR.
Buchholz Motion + Graphics, a one-man creative studio founded in 2022 and based in Berlin. With a clear focus on form and aesthetics and specialization in motion graphics and 3D, there are no limits when it comes to pushing your branding forward or even r
Illustrations & infographics with a focus on politics, culture & civil society