Bruno Toussaint

.Innovation offer: development of commercial and design- / art-oriented 3D surfaces and 3D displays based on lacquer.
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.Innovation offer: development of commercial and design- / art-oriented 3D surfaces and 3D displays based on lacquer.
OnAir Promotion, Motion-, On Air- und Grafikdesign für Free und Pay TV
Diplom Kommunikationsdesigner, Freelancer, On-/Offline-Design, Fotografie, Video, Flash, Sound, 3D, freie Kunst
Idee – Konzept – Text – Grafik – Design – Marketing – On + Offline – Video
Sebald & Sœhne sind ein Büro für Entwicklung und Gestaltung von On- und Offline Medien aller Art..
I am currently living in Berlin where I am working as a freelance illustrator as well as working on personal projects.
Freelance Graphic, UI/UX designer, illustrator and game artist. Looking for new projects to work on.