Liga_01 Computerfilm GmbH

Animation, Character Animation, Visual Effects, On Air Design
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Animation, Character Animation, Visual Effects, On Air Design
In a relatively short space of time I’ve established a proven record for the delivery of outstanding creative ideas for an impressive portfolio of clients. I am now looking to take my skill and experience on to new and exciting challenges.
Kommunikation in jeder Dimension – on- und offline, in Form und Inhalt, temporär und permanent.
Ein-Mann-Kommunikationsagentur + Assistenz, spezialisiert auf die Beratung, die Planung und die Umsetzung von Werbe- und Marketingmaßnahmen in On- und Offline.
Webdesign, Corporate Design, Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Visitenkartenerstellung, Illustration
.Innovation offer: development of commercial and design- / art-oriented 3D surfaces and 3D displays based on lacquer.