Yiğit KurukafaScreendesignVerpackungIndustrie/ProduktCorporate Design interior architecture and product design 10965 Berlin 03.11.2012
Damiano StingoneTypo/LayoutCorporate Design Graphic Designer and Web Designer 10247 Berlin 07.11.2012
Skythe NovaIllustration Illustrations, Comics, Tribals, Photos and More 44287 Dortmund 14.11.2012 (aktualisiert 15.11.2012)
Jonas, MichaelIllustrationIndustrie/Produkt social industrial design projects and services 3D-Konstruktion3D-PrintLaserCncCadRenderingBildbearbeitungVektorzeichnungModellbauPrototyping 10117 Berlin 26.11.2012 (aktualisiert 10.04.2015)
Marcella CalabreseIndustrie/ProduktCorporate Design graphic and industrial designer 10247 Berlin 22.12.2012
Erick MoraIllustrationVerpackungCorporate Design Graphic and Web Designer, Photographer. 12049 Berlin, Neukölln. 03.01.2013
Falk LochmannAnimation/3D 3d Artist, Low/High-Polygon Modelling, Texturing and Animation für Film und Multimedia 85072 Eichstätt 06.01.2013 (aktualisiert 07.04.2015)
Daniel KlugerScreendesignTypo/Layout Digital creative campaigns and strategies 40547 Düsseldorf 23.01.2013
Francis ManfrediAnimation/3DIllustrationScreendesign Illustration,drawing,and paintings on any media… 10439 Berlin 01.02.2013
Kutlutan FisekciAnimation/3DIndustrie/Produkt Architect, Photographer and 3D Visualising Specialist 50667 Köln 09.03.2013
Omar Abdel-moatyCorporate Design Photographer and Graphic Designer 13359 Germany 18.03.2013 (aktualisiert 25.07.2014)
Steven RohnerScreendesign Online Marketing Architect and Software Engineer PHPSolidityBlockchainLandingpageSalesfunnel 10247 Berlin 18.03.2013 (aktualisiert 11.12.2019)
Thomas LatinosVerpackungIndustrie/ProduktCorporate Design Studied in the department of product and systems design engineering in the University of the Aegean, in Greece 10249 Berlin 25.03.2013 (aktualisiert 24.03.2015)