Designer We And Music


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Tommaso R.

Specialized in build standards compliant cross browser/device (x) Html5 and Css3 web layouts.

10587 Berlin
13.01.2011 (aktualisiert )

Martin Drexler

Serving Munich’s creative community for the past 3 years, matvond can help launch, rebrand or reinvent your business’s identity as well as handle all aspects of graphic design and illustration from printed collateral to online presence.

82178 Puchheim

Shelli Media

Outsourcing nach Indien Apps (IPhone, IPad & Android) Typo3, Joomla, Wordpress and Drupal

65817 Eppstein
18.04.2011 (aktualisiert )

Kris Tell

I am a person with a passion for images, illustrations, graphic design and storytelling! I see myself as a pretty easygoing person, project my character, interests in my work…

93047 Regensburg

Vedat Arin

Freelancer for Compositing and Motion Graphics

20146 Hamburg
16.06.2011 (aktualisiert )

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