Du suchst nach dem Text „translation financial documents“. Möchtest du lieber in der Kategorie Verpackungsdesigner suchen?
EQS Intl. bündelt als Holding jeweils die Bereiche Wirtschaftsnachrichten und Financial Research, Bildagentur und Verlag (Reise-Magazin)
EyeEm is the world’s premier community and marketplace for the photographer inside all of us. At EyeEm clients purchase real, authentic imagery created by a new, evolving generation of photographers.
I’m a trained photographer, but a bit of an all rounder. On my rounds I’ve learnt photoshop, In Design, ran a gallery and now do voice-over work, (for the last ten years), and teach photography at the University of Mittweida for the last three.
photography as passion, i am professional photographer with a lot of experience!