
Produktion von Filmen und Fotos im Bereich Doku, Image, Kunst und Kultur, Fernsehen, Making of, Videoeinspielungen Theater
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Produktion von Filmen und Fotos im Bereich Doku, Image, Kunst und Kultur, Fernsehen, Making of, Videoeinspielungen Theater
expert photographer, excellent knowledge of the main editing programs
B.A. of Arts in Kunst, Musik und Medien, Fotografin (Sport-, Portrait-, Werbefotografie)
Photographer & Author, field of work: Landscape & Nature, Outdoor & Adventure, Fashion, Travel, Documentary & Reportage
Photographer, Artist, Curator, Graphic Design, I have a wide range of art and design skills and experience.
Photo studio & versatile creative space to rent – we offer special rates for all booking until the end of september