Dan H. Racek

Creative Director // Werbetexter // Konzepter // IA und Ideen
83342 Tacherting
Racek, Dan H.
Racek, Dan H.
Creative Director // Werbetexter // Konzepter // IA und Ideen
I’m a trained photographer, but a bit of an all rounder. On my rounds I’ve learnt photoshop, In Design, ran a gallery and now do voice-over work, (for the last ten years), and teach photography at the University of Mittweida for the last three.
Colorist / Visual Artist / Art Director Color Grading, Visual FX, Design and Compositing
CMS, Web-Programmierung, Webdesign, TYPO3, HTML, CSS, PHP
Bühnenausstatter, Akustikvorhang, Theatervorhang, Bühnenmolton, Molton Allgemein
Software & Hardware Einzelhändler, Webdesign, Reparaturen und Beratungen