Alan Prohm

Text/Konzept/Creative Direction: online, mobile, multitouch, trade fairs, media installations, events and environments.
10969 Berlin
Meintest du „Fidel“?
Text/Konzept/Creative Direction: online, mobile, multitouch, trade fairs, media installations, events and environments.
Kameramann, Final Cut Cutter, Bildtechniker, Dozent für Kamera- & Lichttechnik
A social and collective platform which promotes Asian culinary diversity through a series of cooking shows, cooking workshops and dinner events
Webdesign, Programmierung, Typo3, Wordpress, Contao, CMSurf (CMS Eigenentwicklung), Corporate- und Grafikdesign, Suchmaschinenoptimierung und -Marketing, On und Offline Marketing Beratung, Rechtssicheres Social Media (FB)