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Jochen Schoenthaler

PR- und Marketingprojektmanager, Focus: Schule, Hochschule, Job&Karriere

80469 München
19.01.2007 (aktualisiert )


Vectorform is an interactive media, application development, and consulting firm with a focus on design, technology, and strategy.

10711 Berlin
02.04.2008 (aktualisiert )

Dcmn GmbH

We are DCMN, the 2nd fastest growing company in Germany within the advertising/marketing industry – according to FOCUS Magazine.

10245 Berlin
21.07.2011 (aktualisiert )

2Hats Logic Solutions

E-commerce agency with a focus on providing high-end solutions for complex web and mobile applications.

10965 Berlin
08.05.2024 (aktualisiert )

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