Media in Cooperation and Transition gGmbH
Medienentwicklung / Capacity Building / Produktion
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Medienentwicklung / Capacity Building / Produktion
Global Commerce Media is a new breed of performance media company building high-quality websites that provide our millions of users with well-researched, unbiased, and verified information across many different verticals, topics and languages.
Independent creative agency. Building connections between brands and people. Across all media. Based in Nürnberg & München.
Systemischer Coach, Firmenkultur, People Culture, Kommunikation, HR, Change Management, Feelgood
Gemeinsam mit unseren Unternehmenskunden entwickeln wir neue Geschäftsmodelle und bauen sie zu den Marktführern von morgen auf.
Your virtual business assistants for online marketing, brand building & digital automation